
 The Gesher Theatre Company

After doing lots of research we found it very difficult to find a good remake of the play online, the play being so challenging it can either be amazing or terrible depending on the artistic vision that is trying to be portrayed. There was however one vision online that we found and though it was amazing. The style and characterisation of the cast was just exceptional. We all used it as inspiration for our portrayal of our animals and how we blocked the scenes.  This version is an adaptation by the Gasher Theatre in 2015, by Noam Shmuel.
In this version the simplicity of the set and costumes really embodied the dark and gritty reality that each character is living, even all the cast wore similar costumes there where slight differences to show each individual. However this was done in abstract way like the hens used a red rubber glove where as the horses used metal tails which they used to make sounds as they walked across the stage.  the minimalist set designed by Niv Manor suggests a farm with something resembling straw strewn on the ground, a single wooden structure, barrels and ladders – each part of the set is used by the cast

in different ways throughout the play.

It was a strange experience first watching this, as even though it’s in Hebrew because I knew the script ad the songs I still understood what was happening. This meant that I was able to focus on the acting techniques being used and take inspiration on what I wanted my role as snowball to portray to the audience.
"Fear held me in its cold grip as I woke from a nightmare: the entire Gesher Theater was taken away to administrative detention. But it was only a dream, a night terror. That sort of thing would never happen here, in a democracy that honours freedom of speech, values and protects artistic freedom, and supports the cultural arts. Why would I even have such a nightmare anyway? All Gesher Theater has done is present an excellent production of Animal Farm,  edgy, musical political satire with a sharp  bite." -Ayelet Dekel.
I personally used this as character inspiration for becoming snowball, this is clear during the seven commandment's the way I used the pauses and my facial expressions where quite similar, when I say the line " Seven, All animals are equal"  I decided to do the same as he dose in their version. I also used gold rimmed glasses by suggestion on out director to look more 'Russian' but also because the effect it had during the Gesher version where Snowball also had glasses.

I searched the version of the scrip we are using, the National theatre company 1984, there wasn't a lot on the performance most likely because of how long ago it was but I did find a short video of Barrie Rutter who played Napoleon. Their production of the show ran from Olivia Theatre from 27th September 1984, it apparently it received great reviews which earned itself another tour around the uk.

Past performances:

Another inspiration for me was using the work I did in Cabaret when I was in the ensemble, at the end of the first act I'm dragged away screaming and fighting while everyone else is on stage oblivious this was very similar to the scene where Snowball is attacked by dogs.


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