The shows overall.

Overall I feel that the show was a success despite issues that happens on the show days/nights. This first show we did was on Thursday the 14th June to Oldham academy and a few members of the public. This being our first public performance of course things did go wrong, lines where forgotten accidents happened and overall this performance (to our director, in the nicest possible way) was a bit like a car crash. The emotions where too much going from too harsh to too sad. It felt as though we were performing for ourselves and forgot the audience and the message we wanted to send. After going away I think on the feedback we were given by the time of the second performance that night we felt like we were more ready. This show was particularly important for me as this was where all of my friends where coming to see the show. It didn’t go as smoothly as it could have but it was definitely a huge improvements to what we had at the start of the day. The next day we had the smallest audience of all the shows with only people from college and around 5 paying audience members. With this show being so “empty” in comparison to our other shows we had the opportunity to explore our characters and play around a bit more. The atmosphere for this show was a lot more relaxed and in control, we all knew exactly what we were doing. There was definitely less pressure and stress during this particular show and I feel that this show really set us up for that night. As time progressed our performances and quality of the shows kept improving say after day. This is clearly shown but the quality of the final performance in Friday the 15th June. There were no obvious mistakes that had previously happened in other shows, we were in complete control. The direction of the show took the exact way that we had intended and the audience (I feel) left the show knowing what we wanted them understand. I believe that Oldham college puts in some of the best shows in the local area and maybe even further. With productions like the Grinch and cabaret that where both huge success, however I feel that as a cast we later had the realisation that our other productions where “recreations” of other shoes whereas Animal Farm 100% our own rendition of the show. With it being unique, abstract but still honouring the original material by George Orwell. What we produced was real, with a deep understanding of the context and characters creating a well revived performance for those who came Despite us all being exhausted through put the whole shows the adrenaline of being in this incredible show kept us all going, no matter how many bruises and injuries we had I firmly believe that non of us would change a thing.
Bruises from after the show.

Animal Farm – Oldham College  A Review by Jackson Castillo, performance student at Sixth Form College
"I have never read the original Animal Farm but if its anything like Oldham Colleges adaptation I can confidently say Orwell created a beautifully thought provoking story.
The piece tells the tale of an animal revolution, a relevant point in society which causes us to think who the pigs are in the world and empowers us to rebel against the corruption especially with the eerie motif of a horse’ cry at the end of the piece as the lighting is confined to the centre of the stage With a red glow. The lighting is well used throughout as it highlights which animals we should be rooting for and which are clamouring to the top with sights of human rights out of jealousy. The set is truly brilliant as it opens our minds up to the different locations within the piece and helps to show Napoleons ruthlessness as she takes over the human home, who is acted well with her brilliant northern accent which connects well with its target audience, alongside her henchman Squealer who brings a brilliant energy to the performance. Not to mention the fascinating windmill set piece. The music is also magnificent as it really sets the tone of the piece. The most attractive part of the piece is the attention to detail in terms of characterization as each set of animals is clearly portrayed with the brilliant vocal skills which have been researched well and the physicality which never ceases creating a well-crafted and believable world. A unity is often seen within the groups of animals which helps to create touching moments which is difficult when the main character’s we are supposed to empathize with aren't human, this is non more so evident than with Clover’s portrayal as the actress sensitively shows themes of loss and heart – brake as the pigs destroy her relationships with her fellow horse’s. Unfortunately act 2 lacks the same pacing as the first act did after losing one of its main characters of Snowball in a horrifically entertaining death and as Mollie’s, who has a beautiful solo, interesting side plot comes to end we are left with building a future for the animals which due to the pigs’ actions feels a little repetitive at time, that’s not say the that there isn’t some brilliant action pieces with this act however as the farmer’s really come to the forefront and the question of equality is really drawn focus to."

"Yeah definitely I followed it pretty well, I think what makes it so good is you can have massive havoc one minuet and everyone in up roar then complete silence and still and it really toys with your audiences emotions" - Rose Starkey ex student.


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