Research: primary and secondary.

As we stared the project focusing on technology we had research and surveys that wasn't relevant to our final piece. However what we learned was still interesting and now I know more about a topic I previously knew little about.
As a class during the second rehearsal we created a questions for a survey for secondary school children who we decided where our audience. Although we wrote out questions for the survey we didn't create or send one off as we split into two groups and changed our ideas. We came to the conclusion that it would have been pointless to have people answer a survey that neither of our piece were about.
Q1: How old are you?
Q2: How many hours do you typically spend on your phone in a day?
Q3: Where do you socialise?
Q4: Do you spend more time talking to people online rather than in person?

We had planned to send theses questions into school and have the student answer them in class, as well as this were thought about going into Oldham town centre and asking people in public.

Then we found as much as we could on conspires of the government spying on us using our phones. We found this using videos of people conducting experiments and fact/figures we've found on Google.

: 40% of the population is addicted to there phone.
According to an article on phycology today 40% of the American population is addicted to there phone. As well as this 58% of men and 47% of women suffer from nomophobia (the fear of being without a phone
: Most people experience phantom vibrations from their phone. 
Phantom vibrations and ringing is the false imagining of feeling or hearing your phone vibrating even though its not. Around 80% of Americans have experiences this sensations.
: 44% of teenagers fall asleep with their phone in the hands or right next to them.
: Teens are extremely vulnerable to developing a phone addiction. The human brain isn't fully developed until about 25 years of age. Adolescents who become dependant on their smartphones could experience negative alteration in brain development.   (source)

When we decided to split into two groups and change the themes of our piece to homelessness we had to re-do the surveys and find new facts/figures for our market research. The three of us who were apart of the O2 go think big projects already had some information regarding homelessness that information we all decided to do individual research by watching a documentary. (source)

Again although we created the questions and knew who we wanted to ask,  we didn't create the survey as we had changed out idea again hence it would no longer be relevant.

Q1: How old are you?
Q2: If you where suddenly made homeless would you have a place to stay?( -family, friends, S.O who would let you stay with them.)
Q3: Do you ever fine yourself worried about your finance or housing situation?
Q4: How long to you believe you could live on the streets for?

The information we gathered we wanted to be local around Oldham and Greater Manchester, we spoke to the local food bank and Shelter a charity aimed to help people sleeping ruff. 
: Campaigners have reviled that across the North West region there are currently 3292 people are surviving with a home. 
: Manchester has the highest figures of homelessness across the North West with an estimated 2000 people living on the streets.
: Last year 59,090 households were accepted as homeless in England. In Scotland, 28,247 applications were assessed as homeless and in Wales 7,128 households were threatened with homelessness

After yet another change of ideas and finally settling on drug use, again we had to re-do the market research and surveys. Luckily for us we had research from last year that was incredibly helpful, we added on to the research by finding out more about out target audience and their relationships with drugs.
This is the survey that we sent our personal social media accounts, asking people who watched the performance to fill it out.

This is a small sample of our results from the survey, and we feel as though we had mostly positive feed back from our peers. In the future we now know that the performance dose have an influence on people but some of the story like Poppy's sexual assault and the woman in bathroom with the drugs wasn't clear enough for some of the audience to understand. In the future were going to focus on adding more hints as we feel without understanding Poppy's backstory her death has is less impactful on the audience.

" I thought the piece had lots of energy, you could really tell what type of person each character was. Like how Rowan was the outgoing guy. I really liked the bit at the end where it was all the friends with the scarfs showing the effect of Poppy dying. I thought it was really creative."
- James Riley



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