Tec, costume and props.

We knew from the beginning that the set should be simple and easy to travel with, although the set was simple; a table and six chairs around it that stay stationary, we didn't want lose the naturalistic feel of the performance by not using sufficient props. To tackle this we used  a curtain rail at the back of the stage with a black curtain to create a almost back stage. This was where we waited fir cues instead of standing of to the side when we're not on stage and were we kept all of out props. This meant we could always have a clean stage and have scrip's/ a running order as a precaution if we forgot lines. 
As the setting was a night out we used an empty vodka bottle filled with water so we could drink while on stage, a empty wine bottle filled with blackcurrant cordial for the realistic look of wine. We had plastic red cups and shot glasses also filled with water. We also used our own makeup bags which we did use to make a more realistic getting ready scene.

As our charters where wrote to be similar to our own personality's our costumes were quite straight forward, we dressed pretty much as we would on a night out. I wore a red dress with a leather jacket with converse, another person wore a play suit and someone else wore jeans and a white tee-shirt.

The lighting during our first performance which was performed in one of our studios had dim lighting the fist three scene so it was similar to a  bar except during the police interviews where the lighting is stark white. However in the scene where were in a club we used flashing coloured lights not only for realism but because its the point where we are all supposed to be on drugs it showed what it was like in our heads.

Music was a huge part of our piece. We had club music  by Patrick Topping playing though out the piece, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vhpo3ojgtU  that gradually got louder, this made us shout as though we were actually in a club, the only point that the music stops is when the police interviews a re happening and  at the end when the lead character dies while taking drugs. At this point the music shifts to a uncomfortable music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrZrVLPzG5M. This was chosen because its makes us as actors be more emotionally involved in the ending, and to make the audience feel uncomfortable.  



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