Being a hen, act two:

After my character Snowball has been executed by Napoleon's dogs I had the choice to come back in act two as any character I wanted, I originally wanted to come back as a horse, because of different the movements are compared to a pig. However after noticing this It was clear that I wasn't the best idea as Mollie had already been expelled from the farm, and as the actor Who played her could be considered quite similar to me to the audience perspective. While rehearsing a scene where a group of hens try to defend their eggs against Napoleon's scheme to sell them to other famer, it is described as "a rebellion" but their wasn't enough hens for this to look affective. There for

myself and the actor who played Mollie are both resurrected as hens. I did enjoy being one the hens and at some point I enjoyed it even more than when I played Snowball. I think this was because I didn't have the responsibility of having to learn lines but I could also experiment more with my movements. There was more active listening involved because although she has no lines, I did have to listen to ques for movement and for when the animals al make noises together. I liked that I had the choice to make my character of the hen what ever I wanted as the character wasn't in the scripted. I chose to be completely different to Snowball, where he is powerful and confident she is shy and timid but also completely controlled by the situation she's in. Where Snowball had the power to bring change for the animals the hen I played didn't have any. This I feel is most shown in the court scene when her other hens are being executed for false crimes, even though I tired to show some resistance ultimately she dose nothing, just like the other animals. As well as this you also see how powerless she is in the song "Nothing" where I am crying and shaking on stage while the dogs harass us. This song was particularly powerful for not only myself but all of us as a cast, with the lyrics being "Obey them when they tell you what to feel, you are nothing" We really tried to relate this moment to the gulags the concentration camps where thousands of people lived and died in disgusting conditions. I related the hen to some of the women in those situations where they would have exchanged sexual favours for a small amount of kindness, that is they type of people I imagine the hens would have been if they where human. In the Gulags, women where treated the worse out of all the prisoners gauds and other make prisoners would rape and abuse them some who became
pregnant while at the camps where given little respite, guards would take new born babies away from their mothers where they where sent to orphanages, a majority of the time the mothers would never see their children again. This really resonated to me while being a hen and the way the eggs being taken away is so similar.



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