Dress Run:

We had a call time of 9 am for the dress run an dthe paln was to strat by 10am have the dress in show mode including the intival. We had already brough in out costumes the week before to see if what we where all weari g looked good and what was needed. This hiweve was the first time that all the component of the show would be seen togethr for the first time , we had felt the pressure firt the performnce to be good. I had orginsed a close friend if mune to cme in and see the show( him being our first audimce member) to take photgraphs for us as hes an amature photographer. He said that he loved the show, and couldnt wait to see it properly on the Thursday night. The pivture he took blew us all away, and they showed the performnce in the way we wanted. The dress went fairly well, the first act only had sime spacing issues and a few momnets where lines went wrong but we did cover this well with improvisation and got back on the script soon after. This was also the frist tine i added sound to the dog fight which a lot of people wernt expecting as i didn't tell anyone i was going to do that.  More issues stated to arise on the second act (again) and this was becming a huge concer for us as actors but also for our director. The original plan was to have two dress runs but after the first and a short dinner beak the director thought that it would be better if we went through the nore both tecnical and in regards to performance one at a time to slove each problem. This began with the opening dance and the spaceing, we had previously choreographed the dance so we where al in parralle line but this was ditched as it didnt cover enough f the space. We changed it so we just spread out withi ght efirts 8 beats. This worked os much better than previously. Another point was the lighting for the freeze frames itwas difficult for us to make out marks on that stage in the exacy same spoy everytime  but after practicing we solved this issue fairly quickly. Moving on to act two an issue that came up was being more awear of each other on stage there was a lt standing on each other especiall in black outs somthi gthat we hadnt really considered during rehearsla in the studio. A momnet of this was Boxer and some of the other animals decide to build the windmill we harsh stobe ligting that no of us where really preapered for, this meant that we where all stumblin g around unable to accrutly perfom the dance routine. The lighti gwas changed to a pulsing stobe that become more intense at the scene went on. This was much safer and i think looked better from an audience perspective. We continued to stagger thirugh the rest of the show but by the end if that day i fely that we where all unsure of what was going to happen in out frist perfromance. We where discussing that we felt that we wanted another run through the second act but there just wasnt enough time, therefore we settled for coming in an hour early to have a line run.

Jackson Castillo instergram page with a bigger selection of his past work including more pictures of Aniaml Farm.


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