Primary Research:

On Friday the 9th of March the cast took a trip to Lancaster farm, where we studied and researched put animals, looking at how they move, make noises and react with each other. Animals will always be different to humans but in the basic nature we are quite similar, nearly all species want to look after their young, find food and have a habitat.
My character Snowball is a pig so I spent a lot of my time at the farm focusing on them. I looked at how the pigs moved amount their area . Pigs look more relaxed compared to other animals where the pigs seem slow and almost stupid if you look into their eyes there is an almost human like intelligence. There bodies are very close to the ground, with their heads down constantly sniffing. I used some of this in my performance more so in the beginning during the "farm scene". I chose to be more human at some point during the show however, you tell this when speak in a more harsh tone because I needed to show that more intelligent side of Snowball. He is described as intelligent and optimistic so I played around a lot with my facial expressions.
Pigs seem to be heavy all over, when they walk its it; slow and specific as though they know exactly where there going even when they might not exactly know. Despite being heavy it has very small legs,  domestic pigs when there threated can run up to 11 miles an hour, they are surprising sprinters and can reach their top speed in just a few strides. Pigs are omnivores, and despite their reputation for gluttony, which I found very entreating as in the show is implied that the pigs eat the animals that have died. While looking at the pigs face its ears always seem to be upright which I feel gives the air of intelligence, it gives the effect that they are always listening, this is also something I tried to add to my performance, snowball was always watching but clearing not enough as he didn't know what Napoleon had planned. The pigs have tails but I felt that it didn't add anything to my characterisation overall it dose just seem unnecessary for a pig to have a tail as it doesn't do anything, it doesn't proved balance, its not long enough to get rid of pests like flies or might's. The pigs make interesting sounds, very guttural and deep it may sound odd but if I pigs where humans id imagine them to have a very northern accent which I decided to do for the character.


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