Project Proposal

Unit 12/13 Project Proposal

Ruth Jones

Candidate Number


Project Title

Section 1: Review (Approx. 150 words)
During my three years at Oldham college I have studied and range of practitioners mainly focusing on Stanislavski and Brecht, but also exploring Lee Strasburg and Meyerhold. I started my first year being involved with multiple projects like the Christmas show, a tour for theatre in education and had the opportunity to perform in the professional show at Oldham Coliseum “meat pie, sausage roll” finishing the year being in the ensemble of Cabaret. Going into my second year I started by focusing on my applications for drama school but was unfortunately unsuccessful. Even though I was disappointed I knew that it was the right thing that needed to happen for me not just as a performer but as a person. Our first project of the year was a tutor lead ensemble-based devised piece focusing ion Brecht’s techniques which lead us to a piece on North Korea. We then continued with devising but independently in groups for theatre in education, where my group created a piece in drug use. The final major project in my second year was a large scale production of Animal Farm where I played the role of snowball. Within this project, I learned more about Stanislavski, Brecht and was introduced to Lee Strasburg and animal studies. This was a major learning curve within my acting and future goals. Deciding to stay a third year was the best decision for me, starting my year again focusing on drama school applications but I was more prepared and ready. The first project was a devised piece focusing on Brecht techniques again where my group create a piece on consent, we then moved onto the Christmas show. The next big project was Chaos, focusing on combining all the techniques and practices we’d all learned over our time at Oldham college, during this time I was also offered a place at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama on the BA acting CDT.

Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 250 words)
The play is called Chaos by Laura Lomas and is a celebration of teenager’s lives not focusing any one specific storyline but multiple different named characters and unnamed characters that overlap. The context of the play is the life of teens and the issues that we face day to day with the key issues being Love, anger, grief sexuality, depression and anxiety, which many of the scenes named after these issues. The play also touches on the butterfly effect and chaos theatre and this relates to our lives. The butterfly is a recurring motif. As a company and indivually, we gathered information from primary sources on the way teenager’s lives mostly using our own experiences to relate to our characters. We also interviewed and looked at articles as secondary research in a way to compare the differences between generations. The play I being used as a part of the National connections where thousands of different youth company and schools take part in a competition for the opportunity to perform at the national in London. Each year new plays are commissioned by the theatre and each group is given a choice in which one they want to perform. The version of the play will originally be pee4fromed In the company’s/school own performance space; which for us will be the Grange Arts center. A director from the national will come and watch then given direction, the cast will then go on to improve the show and then later performed at an away theatre which for our company will be HOME mcr. The winner of the show goes on to showcase the performance at the3 national theatre in London later in the year. This is an amazing opportunity that the student of Oldham college is lucky to be a part of.
Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 100 words)
I plan to evaluate my work by recording directors note throughout the rehearsal process, I will also record the feedback from external viewers of the show, people we have invited into rehearsals to purposely give us feedback but also audience reactions after the performances. I will also be keeping a rehearsal log of key rehearsal we will be having including workshops and external visitors. A way to track my progress will be to give my self-targets to achieve by the end of the project.
1.    Take a leadership role within rehearsals.
2.    Push myself creatively and experiment more, don’t be afraid of judgment.
3.    Keep track of making notes and my progress.
I will also keep track of the rehearsals and performances by keeping a diary of pictures and videos.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)                          
I will be gathering information for them by using primary research like interviews and personal experiences and I will also using secondary research like articles, YouTube and documentaries.

Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organization over a period of weeks and the activities you will need to carry out in order to successfully complete your project in the agreed time frame. The more time and thought you give to planning your project, the more successful it is likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in the realization of the project. You should also include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. Remember to include: time spent sourcing materials and other resources to conduct research, seek feedback from tutors and peers, and identify when you will carry out independent study.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Date Week
Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study
Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops

Cast read through and the scenes we feel we relate to the most.
Physical warm up
Discuss the context of the piece

Copies of scripts
Music for warm up
Class discussion
Student-run warm up–  Angelina
Discuss the context of the piece
Movement workshop
Music for warm up
Related movement workshop by the national.

Student-run warm up – Angelina
Meyerhold Biomechanics written work/workshop
Music for warm up
Powerpoint for Meyerhold

Tutor lead warm-up – Miranda
Creating a timeline for the show.
Character research
Independent work for scenes
Music for warm up
Access to multiple studios.
Writing equipment


Student-run warm up – Connor
Assign roles and block the opening scene, research.
Develop characters and add imagined facts.
Music Find music for the opening

Continue blocking the show
Individual work on scenes
Decide music for scenes

Student-run warm up - Angelina
Improve on given notes by the director/external visitors
Polish the show
Finish block the show
Music for the warm-ups
Studio/access to music
Student-run warm up- Angelina
Polish the show
Improve on notes by external audiences

Music for warm up
Music for the warm-ups
Studio/access to music

Tec in the Grange
In theatre


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