
Going into this how we didn’t want them meaning of the piece to the lost in the abstractness of the blocking  which it definitely could have been but we wanted it to mean something to be a new piece of theatre that might actually make a difference and influence someone even if it's just one person. To change the perspective of how society looks at young adult and to give us a vibe in our opinion so in the world that so often gets ignored. When we first started we never saw our sleeves of being able to win the competition or get the chance to perform at the national in London but as rehearsals went on and we all became more invested that hope that we could go further started to grow.

 A massive problem we faced was people not coming into rehearsals this lead to a group message being sent as a warning “this is a warning… if anyone misses any more rehearsals without a doctor's note will be cut from the show we haven't got enough time, you will be allowed to create and devise your own fmp independently to finish the course.” This message although written by our tutor was a written by those of us who were constantly in rehearsals and giving out full effort to the show. The message was definitely needed as there was some tension building between the cast and the frustration levels rising when we couldn't finish blocking scenes without people who didn't turn up. This led to one of the cast members who originally played Emily to be cut from the cast. There was a little bit of recasting due to this, jade who plays Lauren (as well as separate monologues) was given the part of Emily instead and I took her original role as Lauren. This was very easy for me to pick up as I had filled in for a few Jade a few times in rehearsals while she was away at auditions and I had also helped when they were originally blocking the scene. This did complicate my original character a little bit as my imagined facts didn't make sense when I played Lauren compared to Rosie. I took what Jade had decided for Lauran and adapted my vision of her she is both on the train platform but also with her friends in betrayal.

Another issue we had and note we were given continuously was the intention behind everything we do. It wasn't enough for us to just be actors we also had to create a device and think. There was no relying on our tutor to tell us what to do or where to stand. We had to really think about what we wanted to stay not only as a company but as individuals through our performance. I did struggle with this not necessarily because I rely on my tutor but I felt a lot of pressure to have ideas and to take a lead when it came to devising, epically after my recent success of getting into the Royal central school of speech and drama on the BA acting CDT which is a very creative and devised based course. Even though I am very excited to and know that I’ll be doing what I love and I do love creating my own work and seeing the deeper meaning behind things I did feel that because of that I had to continually have good ideas and be thinking of something new and near the end the rehearsals I felt very burned out not just physically but emotionally.


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