The set and costumes.

The set of chaos was in the round, with four life decks a form of rostra, each seating ten people, and five on each level. We wanted a small audience in the round so that there is a sense of intimacy and so the audience can feel completely immersed in the performance. The stage was boxed on with black curtain and the floor was covered in white carpet which went up on the rostra so the entire stage and seating were all covered. Unfortunately, with the entire acting space covered in fabric, this damped the volume of us, as it would just absorb everything we said, this was an issue we faced throughout the entire week's run. With the carpet being white we asked every audience member to take off their shoes or put on shoe bags to keep the set as clean as possible; we ourselves were also barefoot during all of the performance. With this aspect, it already left the audience with anticipation and curiosity of what the show could be about. This set was very Brecht, with there not really being any set, we used mime instead of props and it relied on our own imagination to create where we are. Like Brecht, our set was minimal and representation, but the set was also equally as important as ourselves. The Rostra was just simply where the audience sat, we as actors used it as part of the stage and a lot of the time there is continuous acting going on the rostra. We became a part of the set as actors. The entire idea of the set was also used to alienate the audience also known as the Brecht technique Verfremdungseffekt.

The feeling of the space to me felt like walking into the afterlife I feeling that I was not alone in. With the perfect white and the cast also all in white the atmosphere was very odd and filled with nervous energy. There was also a feeling of being in pace with everything around being black, space felt intimate but also empty. Trying to take this and have the same intimacy to home would be a huge challenge.

The choice for the costume was for us all to be in white but still, e being clean, stylish and modern. This was because it was meant to represent how none of start out messy, we are all born pure and clean with no past. It is meant to represent that we are all a blank canvas when we are born, all equal, and all neutral to the world around us. The costume choice happens to also be Brecht technique, like set Brecht beloved that the costumes should be symbolic but he still believed in historicism. –where I found my costume


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